Crystal Gilbert

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Basil is one of my favorite herbs. I especially love the fresh leaves as an addition to culinary delights. Pizza, pasta, capers salad… In addition to having an amazing flavor, it has some lesser known, yet powerful therapeutic benefits everyone should know about. Read on to learn more.

Ocimum basilicum

Botanical Family: Lamiaceae or Labiatate (mint)

Plant Origin: Egypt, India, Utah, France

Action: Powerful antispasmodic, anti-infectious, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, decongestant (veins, arteries of the lungs, prostate), and antibacterial.

As Essential Oils:

Traditional Uses: Used extensively in traditional Asian Indian medicine, basil’s name derived from “bas ileum,” the Greek name for king. In the 16th century, the powdered leaves were inhaled to treat migraines and chest infections. The Hindu people put basil sprigs on the chests of the dead to protect them from evil spirits. Italian women wore basil to attract possible suitors.

Indications: Migraines, mental fatigue, and scanty menstrual periods.

Other Uses: Basil is relaxing to both striated and smooth muscles, soothing for insect bites, and stimulating to the sense of smell. It may help bronchitis and chest infections.

Application: Apply basil to tip of nose, on temples, and on location of stings and bites. For mental fatigue, inhale first, then apply to crown oohed, forehead, heart, and navel.

Safety Cautions: Do not use if epileptic

You can see the wide range of support that basil can give the body and understand why it’s one of my staple herbs. I keep the oil in stock in my home and am working on growing the herb in my permaculture food forest. If you would like to try out this herb in oil form, but need simplicity and ease, I created a Raindrop roller with Basil in it, complete with carrier oil and specifically chosen crystals for maximum benefit that you might like to try. You can get the Raindrop roller here.

My family and I use our own Raindrop roller regularly for immune support and overall health. I use it regularly when I give a Raindrop Technique to a client. As mentioned above, I also regularly try to incorporate the fresh leaves into meals for added health benefits.

Whatever way you use basil, I hope you will add it to your wellness routine.

Until next time,

~ Crystal