Crystal Gilbert

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Emotional Support with Carnelian

Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony and is a 17th Anniversary gemstone ranging in color from clear to translucent red-brown which may vary from a pale orange to pink, or from grey to an intense almost black color.

Emotionally and energetically, carnelian:

  • Improves analytic abilities

  • Clarifies perception

  • Emotional warmth & sociability

  • Stimulates creativity

  • Individuality

  • Appreciation for nature

  • Courage, happiness & self-esteem

  • Stabilizing

  • Restores vitality and motivation

  • Used for overcoming abuse of any kind

  • Overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness

  • Sharpens concentration

  • Dispels mental lethargy

  • Protects against envy, rage and resentment

  • Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life

  • Helps combat feelings of depression

  • Boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality

Its properties and known benefits make carnelian an excellent addition to emotional healing and getting through to the other side where motivation, creation, and a passion for life lives.

To get your own Carnelian crystal chips or see if there is a uniquely designed handcrafted piece of jewelry just for you, visit the Shop to see the latest offers and availability.

Until next time,

~ Crystal

*This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.