Crystal Gilbert

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How to Make Time for Your Loved Ones: Tips for Balancing Work and Family

It can be tough to balance work and family life. Often, we are so busy with work that we don't have time for the people we care about most. This can lead to a lot of stress and tension in our relationships. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for making time for your loved ones and maintaining a healthy balance between work and family life!

Make a schedule and stick to it as best you can.

Dedicate certain days or times of the week to your loved ones, and make sure you stick to that schedule as much as possible. This will help you balance your time between work and family life.

If you have young children, try to schedule some quality family time during their nap time or after they go to bed at night. If you have older children, try to schedule family time around their activities and homework. This could be the time you and your spouse have a mini-date at home, or just a simple conversation without interruption. Or, you can utilize some of this time to call or text loved ones who live outside the home to just check in and let them know you are thinking of them.

Put your work responsibilities on the back burner when it's family time.

Remember, it's important to communicate with your loved ones about your schedule and what you're working on. They will be more understanding if they know why you're busy and when you'll be able to spend time with them. Plus, it will give them something special to look forward to.

It can be easy to feel guilty while working, being torn between your work responsibilities and your family. When you work, you can't stop thinking about being with your family. Then, when you are with your family, you can't stop thinking about all the work you have to do. Break this cycle by all in with whatever you are doing. If you have one hour during the day to work, pour all you can into that one hour then you can spend the rest of the time with your family, or vice versa.

When you show up fully for your family, they won't resent you for working hard or having to spend some time away from them. When you invest in them and make the most of the time you are with them, it will mean even more. The problems arise when children aren't getting ANY or enough QUALITY attention and affection from their parents.

In the same token, a parent could spend ALL day with their kids, but be distracted scrolling on their phone and not actually listening to them. Make it a rule, when you are with your family, you respect them the most by being fully present for them. Leave work at work, even if you work from home. Leave it in your office and pick it back up when you "clock back in."

Talk to your spouse or partner about dividing up the household duties so everyone pitches in.

It's important to have a discussion with your partner about how you will both manage your time between work and family. If one person is working longer hours, the other person can pick up the slack at home. Or, you can hire a babysitter or nanny to help out with the kids while you're at work.

The key here is clear communication. I recommend a big wall calendar where everyone can see who is doing what when and where. This is also a perfect place to write down the planned meals for the day with instructions so there's no confusion. Remember, it takes some time, patience and flexibility to adjust to heavier workloads. Communicate with love and gentleness no matter how stressful the times may be. Having a weekly "Team Meeting" with the family is also a great way to check-in and see how everyone is doing with the schedule, household responsibilities, and infuse some family time in there as well.

Let your loved ones know that you love them, even if you're busy.

It's important to make time for your loved ones, even if you're busy. Let them know that you love them, and appreciate them. Send a text message, leave a note, or give them a call to let them know you're thinking of them. Small gestures like this can make a big difference in your relationship.

It's also important to be available when they need you, even if it's just to listen. If they need to talk, make time to listen. Showing them that you care about them will go a long way in your relationship. This is crucial from the littlest member of your family all the way to the oldest. There have been many instances where I've had to reschedule a meeting with a client because one of my family members was going through an emotionally challenging time and, though they didn't ask for it, I knew they needed some extra TLC. Do you know what it means to them to see me drop everything to tend to them? They know that they can count on me no matter what because I will show up for them when they need it most, as well as all the moments in-between. No client, prospect or amount of money can replace the time you have with your family. Always make sure your priorities are straight.

On busy days, I may be running through the house trying to get a drink re-fill and bathroom break with a bite to eat between meetings. I always make it a point to connect with each of my family members to let them know I love them. Really, sometimes it's just those littles things that mean the most.

Take a break every now and then to recharge and focus on family time.

It's important to take a break from work every now and then, and focus on family time. This will help you recharge, and be more productive when you're working. When you're with your family, turn off your phone and put it away, and focus on them. Give them your undivided attention. This is also for you too, so you can make that conscious decision to step away from work, unplug and be fully present for your family.

The next part, is to have some fun. There is no greater way to enjoy family time and recharge than laughing together. You can watch a silly movie, play some games, our on some music and dance, or just get out of the house and go pick up a treat to enjoy or walk through the park. Whatever you do, enjoy it fully and make the most of it.

So, those are some tips on how to make time for your loved ones. I hope you find them helpful! Do you have any tips to add? Please share in the comments below! And, if you liked this post, please share it with your friends! Thanks for reading! :)

Until next time,

~ Crystal