Crystal Gilbert

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Why Self-Love Matters

This topic is hands-down one of the most challenging topics that it seems everyone struggles with or has struggled with at some point in their lives. Most brush it off, some feel guilty, and for some they just genuinely feel they are not deserving off love. In some environments, it is even labelled or thought to be selfish.

Self-love has somehow gotten blurred with the extreme counterpart of narcissism that only thinks of one’s self at the expense of others.

In many religious circles, self-imposed “martyrdom” is almost seen as being more faithful or devoted, where it is almost glorified to not take care of one’s self or that to do so is selfish and idolatry.

Regardless, there are a TON of misconceptions and outright ridiculousness surrounding the topic and act of self-love.

My experience has been a bit of everything. Honestly, it’s STILL one of the more challenging things for me to do. It also seems to be the same across the board for everyone I come in contact with.

That is why I had to start talking about this topic more and created this video.

I hope this blesses you and can help you understand why it is SO important to love yourself and put it into practice!

So, what are your thoughts on self-love?

Do you practice it?

Do you struggle with feeling guilty or like it’s selfish?

What would it be like if you practiced it more often, intentionally?

How might that impact your daily life and the environment around you?

If you want help getting started, make sure to grab my FREE guide with my Top Tips for Feeling Better Fast. It’s filled with the simplest and most effective ways I’ve been intentional about practicing self-love by nurturing and nourishing myself in areas often overlooked or underestimated. Enjoy!

Until next time,

~ Crystal