Emotional Wellness

Because Life Happens & We ALL Need a Little Help.

Insert brand promise or tagline here.

Here you will share an intro to your coaching program, who it’s for, the deliverables your audience will receive and the benefits they are going to experience by signing up.

Essentials dummy text goes here. Essentials lavender quartz oils crystals nature trees rose lemon cedarwood. Roses books tea leaves fields golden sunsets mornings rising meditations peace relax flowers sage. Calm seeds growing lovely energy peppermint aroma. Lilac natural organic fresh vibrant. Wholesome freedom wonder water balance sandalwood diffusion dream manifest nurture happiness silk rosemary ocean release glow.


Holistic Healing Made Simple.

Video is a great way to connect to your audience and explain how your coaching works. You may offer one-on-one coaching sessions, 6-month programs, or group coaching. What does your coaching include and what can clients expect by investing in you?


What’s Included

Be clear about what is included in your coaching problem and highlight the benefits below so your ideal client is clear about what they are investing in and why it’s a great buying decision.

— Insert Benefit Here

— Insert Benefit Here

— Insert Benefit Here

— Insert Benefit Here

— Insert Benefit Here


What You Can Expect


Book Your Initial Consultation Today

Share a few words encouraging visitors to sign up for an initial consultation and what to expect after they do so.

You can then include an acuity scheduling block below to automate this, you can look to a preferred third-party calendar link, you can include a form that you directly respond to (see below) or you can set this up as a SERVICE product in your store.

If you choose to add it to your store, you can then display a product button below, only showing the option to purchase - this is recommended if you offer paid consultations.