Foundations of Holistic Natural Health
Welcome to your guide on the 9 Foundations of Holistic Natural Health. This is a simplified guide to help you understand these vital elements and how they contribute to your overall well-being. While I encourage you to implement what you can on your own, I understand that sometimes you just need more help and to learn more about why and how to implement these foundations into your already full life. For a more in-depth understanding and implementation tools, consider enrolling in our comprehensive course, Holistic Health Foundations.
For the most simplified steps to understand and implement the Foundations, see below:
Simplified Foundations
Much of the air we breathe contains irritants from pollution and people are not breathing properly to get enough oxygen throughout the day. Purify air and practice deep breathing at regular intervals throughout the day so it becomes a more natural process.
Aim for 5-10 minutes of sunlight exposure, on bare screen free from sunscreen, 2-3 times per week to improve Vitamin D production.
A person needs to consume about half their body weight in ounces of pure, unpolluted water - free of chemicals or additives, each day to stay well hydrated. Increase water intake ounce for ounce for any caffeine consumed. So, for a 4 oz cup of coffee you would need to add 4 oz of water to your daily intake.
Eat real food, nutrient-dense, true food as close to how it’s found in nature. The more natural, the easier for our bodies to digest, absorb the vital nutrients, and eliminate waste. Where to start simply? Eat the rainbow of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Choose a variety of colors each day as the variety of colors adds to a variety of vitamins & minerals.
Aim for 2.5 - 5 hours per week of moderate-intensity movement you enjoy. Add high-intensity muscle strengthening activities on 2 or more days each week. Just get moving and have fun!
The need varies between individuals, but aim for 8-9 hours of good sleep per night. During the days, add some rest in through self-care routines. Once a week, have a Rest day, or Sabbath, free from the busy-ness of the mind, body and spirit.
Act, don’t react to stimulants around you. Become aware of what you feel, reflect on any triggering situations, release negative emotions regularly, and apply routine emotional balancing techniques or tools to your self-care routine.
Pain is a warning sign that a deeper problem exists, that can stem from disharmony - whether mentally or emotionally. Incorporate regular body & energy work into your daily and weekly routine - such as stretching, acupressure, massage, reiki, breathing techniques, etc. Try some, pick your favorite, and schedule it into your routine!
The spirit is the energy within us that makes us, us and adds that sparks to our lives that connects us to ourselves and something greater. This does not necessarily mean religion, but can incorporate religious practices. Add daily to your routine simple exercises to enhance your spirit, like prayer, meditation, acts of charitable giving, etc.
Why Foundations?
Often, diseases that are preventable are labeled as "lifestyle diseases," as they stem from unfavorable lifestyle habits. The root cause of these health issues often lies in the neglect of the fundamental principles of health, or the Foundations.
Neglecting these essential foundations of health can hinder the attainment of complete wellness. On the other hand, adhering to these principles can alleviate, if not eradicate, the symptoms of many lifestyle diseases, enabling you to embrace life with full vitality.
By understanding and integrating these principles into your daily routine, you can pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant life. By implementing these 9 key areas into your lifestyle, you will be well onto your journey of transformation and vitality
These steps are the essential foundations to overall health. Without them, full wellness cannot be achieved. With them, overall health and vitality sees a massive improvement and healing can begin to occur in a more balanced and sustainable way.
How to Get Started
Of the 9 foundations, pick the one that is the easy to implement or would have the most impact on your overall health.
With your foundation, choose the next, most simplest step that will be the easiest for you to incorporate. So, if you chose water, instead of making your goal to drink your full recommended daily intake all at once, just start simple by adding on one glass of water to your daily intake.
You may feel like “you’ve got this” and want to rush ahead adding on a lot of new things at once. Do NOT do this. One consistent habit is better than 5 not done well. Do this one habit consistently for at least 1 week - 1 month if you are really overwhelmed in life - and only then add another step and foundation.
Now that you have done one step consistently for at least one week and it is becoming more of a natural habit, add on the next simplest step. For the example of water, add one more cup to your daily intake or consider reducing 1 cup of caffeine.
Once you have successfully, consistently implemented one Foundation and are working on achieving the recommendations for that, pick the next simplest Foundation to implement.
Repeat this cycle as you are building up your Foundations of health. Remember to keep it small, steady and consistent.
If you find yourself needing help with accountability and breaking down your simplest steps, consider working with me 1:1 through our coaching program tailored to fit your needs and goals. Contact me through the coaching programs form to learn more!
Got it, but I Need More!
If you are ready to dive deeper into the Foundations, you would like more education to understand the WHY, and need simplified lessons as well as resources to teach you HOW to implement these Foundations into your holistic health lifestyle, the Holistic Health Foundations course is your next step! Learn more below.