Rose Quartz
Rose quartz crystal is aptly named as it is similar in properties to the flower Rose.
The ultimate in love, Rose Quartz is a must for all of humankind.
Read on to learn more about this powerful and treasured crystal.
Rose quartz is a commonly known crystal and beautiful addition to jewelry.
However, there are a ton of more ways to utilize this gorgeous crystal than mere appearance.
It is everything to do with what you commonly associate the "heart" with; love in all forms, relationships, feelings and energy around connection and intimacy as well as the Feminine energy & female relationships.
Emotionally and energetically, Rose Quartz is known for:
Encouraging Unconditional Love
Mother/Feminine Love
Romantic and Platonic love
Universal love
Restores trust and harmony in relationships
Purifies and opens the heart at all levels
Promotes deep inner healing and feelings of peace
Calming and reassuring
Comforting in times of grief
Helps dispel negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with positive loving energy
Encourages self-forgiveness and accepting
Encourages self-trust and self-worth
Supportive of fertility and healthy pregnancy
Want to try a meditation with Rose Quartz? This simple meditation with guide you through utilizing Rose Quartz for Self-Love, which enhances love for others.
Its properties and known benefits make Rose quartz an excellent addition to emotional healing where matters of the heart are concerned.
To get your own Rose Quartz crystal chips or see if there is a uniquely designed handcrafted piece of jewelry just for you, visit the Shop to see the latest offers and availability.
Until next time,
~ Crystal