The Difference Between a Dream and a Goal

Can you believe we are already about to wrap up our first week in January?!!!

If you are like me, it has already slipped by SO fast and feels like a challenge to keep up let alone carve out more time to sit and focus on intentions and planning for the year ahead.

If you are like most people, you have already given up on that or are almost there.

This video kicks off the first in a series I will sprinkle in throughout the year to help you break down and see some things you may not have noticed or realized before that, once applied, can really help to start shifting and transforming your mindset, actions, and have a positive ripple effect spreading out around you.

These nuggets are huge parts of what helped me in my own transformation to gain a balanced life in an unbalanced and often chaotic world. It’s how I’ve reduced my stress SIGNIFICANTLY, reversed some major chronic issues that were holding me back, and how my household is thriving when many others are falling apart. We ALL need some guidance, support, and practical tools to help us along our journeys.

Ponder this video content after you’ve watched it.

Did you often mix up those terms like I used to?

It’s totally okay!

Now, what are your dreams?

What are your goals to GET TO those dreams?

If you’d like some solid guidance on this we actually have a Blueprint JUST FOR YOU in our Onward & Upward Course for Manifesting Your BIG Goals & Dreams! It is the exact framework, formula, tools & techniques that have helped us see massive growth and positive transformation in our OWN lives. We linked arms, combined are own experience and expertise to create this amazing and truly foundational blueprint just for you to benefit from and not feel overwhelmed or like you have to go it alone.

If you are ready to see your own progress and transformation with solid structure and support, you can learn more here.

Until next time,

~ Crystal


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The Benefits of Clear Intentions Tea