10 Ways to Refresh When You’re Feeling Drained

Are you feeling drained? Exhausted? Like you could just crawl under a rock and hibernate for a few months? That's perfectly normal, especially if you're always pushing yourself to your limits. Feeling this way is incredibly common, especially in today's world. But that doesn't mean that you have to succumb to the fatigue! There are many things that you can do to refresh yourself and feel more energized. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways to recharge your batteries and get your energy back!

We all have those moments when we feel completely drained. Maybe we're overwhelmed with work, or dealing with a personal issue. When this happens, it's important to take some time for yourself and refresh. Here are 10 ways to do just that:

1. Get outside

If you're feeling completely drained and exhausted, one of the best things you can do is get outside. Go for a walk, sit in the park, or just spend some time in nature. The fresh air will do wonders for your energy levels. The sunlight helps our bodies by stimulating the production of Vitamin D. Trees and flowers give off extra boosts that help our moods and overall functioning. Plus, it's really good to get reconnected to nature, especially if you can ground while you are outside.

2. Take a break

When you're feeling overwhelmed, it's important to step back and take a break. Whether you need a few minutes to yourself or even a full day off from work (or life), taking some time to relax will help you feel refreshed and recharged. We ALL need breaks, especially in this lifestyle that encourages busy-ness (the state of being busy), breaks are all the more important. Plus, we aren't even wired to be able to go-go-go for long periods of time without crashing and burning anyway.

3. Move Your Body

Exercise is a great way to boost your energy levels. Even if you don't feel like working out, a short walk or run can help you feel more energized. You don't have to overthink or overcomplicate this either. Stretch by your desk, do light aerobics or standing pilates while you are in the kitchen cooking dinner, step in place while you watch a webinar, just get moving. Movement is vitally important to our whole bodies, including our mindset and emotions. It helps move the lymph taking the stale and toxic stuff in our bodies and helps to eliminate it. It also helps get oxygen in and moving throughout our bodies, which can have us feeling better overall in a rather short amount of time.

4. Eat healthy

Eating healthy foods will give you the energy you need to power through your day. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Avoid the junk that will weight you down. Sugar and dairy can weaken your immune system. Sugar, especially artificial sugar, can mess with your blood sugar levels and energy too. By eating healthy, you may also unknowingly be adding crucial vitamins and minerals back into you body that it needs to thrive. Most people are significantly depleted of those vital components that can increase stamina, energy and even help balance out moods.

5. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for feeling well-rested and energized. Make sure to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night. It helps to improve clarity and can offset feelings of negative emotions, like depression, anxiety, and even a negative mindset. The key point here, is sleep is when the body is able to heal itself the most. The more quality sleep you get, between 8-10 hours ideally, the better you will feel overall.

6. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is key to maintaining your energy levels. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It can literally refresh you from the inside out. Most people are sadly dehydrated, despite having fresh clean water ready available. When the body is dehydrated, tissues and organs can begin to dry up, or shrink, and not perform as well. The brain is one of the areas where we can most feel the immediate effects of dehydration - brain fog, lack of focus and clarity, fatigue, to name a few. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces each day of pure, clean water. No, water in your coffee or tea doesn't count! That's like adding used gunky oil to your car instead of the new, clean oil.

7. Limit your caffeine intake

While caffeine can help you feel more awake, too much can lead to fatigue. It can also tax the adrenals, with leads to more and more fatigue. Limit your caffeine intake to avoid feeling exhausted. Swap for a healthier pick-me-up instead, like a fresh smoothie, lemon water, or roasted dandelion tea.

8. Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol can make you feel tired and sluggish. If you're trying to refresh yourself, it's best to avoid alcohol altogether. It literally can poison the cells and the sugar in it can weaken your immune system and mess with your energy levels in a bad way. Many people also have issues with the sulfites in them, where it can knock you off your game.

9. Take a relaxing bath

If you're feeling stressed, a relaxing bath can help you feel more relaxed and refreshed. Add some soothing aromatherapy or add a few drops of lavender oil to your bathtub to further relax. If you have been stressed, you may also be carrying around extra inflammation in your body. By taking care of your body in a soothing way and having some time to de-stress, you may be able to significantly reduce the effects of inflammation in your body, leading to a more immediate feeling of refreshment.

10. Practice deep breathing

Deep breathing is a great way to relax and refresh yourself. Taking some time to focus on your breath can help you feel calmer and more energized. It adds vital oxygen to your body, can ground and de-stress you, and may even help you to lose some weight!

I hope these tips help you recharge when you're feeling exhausted. Remember to take some time for yourself and do what makes you feel happy and refreshed.

You are worth the time and effort to treat yourself well for a change.

It isn't selfish, it is vital and necessary to keep going!

What’s ONE step you will take NOW from this list? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,

~ Crystal


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