20 Tips for Being Kind to Yourself

As women, and especially as homeschooling moms, we often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect. We want to create the ideal learning environment for our kids and set them up for a vibrant future as well, and sometimes that can mean putting our own needs on the back burner. But it's so important to remember that we need to take care of ourselves, too! A little self-care can go a long way in helping us feel refreshed and able to handle whatever daily life at home throws our way.

Once in a while, it's important to step back, take a deep breath, and give yourself some grace. You're only human after all! So this week, let's focus on being kind to ourselves.

Here are some reminders for being kind to yourself as a homeschooling mom & a woman in general:

  1. Relax- Take some time each day to just relax. Breath deeply and let go of the stress that is weighing you down. Find a quiet spot and just sit for 5 minutes doing nothing but enjoying the silence.

  2. Don’t be so hard on yourself - Accept that you’re human and make mistakes. Then, accept your mistakes and learn from them

  3. Cut yourself some slack - give yourself time to relax and recharge. You can’t be productive if you’re always stressed out

  4. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, both good and bad

  5. Embrace change - it’s inevitable, so don’t fight it, yet learn how you can better adjust to it

  6. Take care of yourself - nourish yourself from inside out

  7. Appreciate the good in your life - even when things are tough, there’s always something to be grateful for

  8. Don’t be so hard on yourself - give yourself grace and love when you aren’t perfect. Newsflash, NONE of us are!

  9. Pamper yourself with a massage, facial, or homemade DIY Spa Day

  10. Take some time for yourself each day to do something that you enjoy

11. Eat healthy to feel good both physically and mentally

12. Seek out support from friends and family when you need it

13. Take a break - step away from your work and relax for a few minutes

14. Move your body to release endorphins and improve your mood and mindset

15. Get enough sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed

16. Drink extra water to hydrate yourself and feel refreshed - Add fresh-squeezed lemon juice to help balance pH levels and flush out toxins

17. Connect with loved ones and friends to receive emotional support - Find and Identify your support system!

18. Spend time doing activities you enjoy, even if they don’t seem productive

19. Speak Life over yourself - Treat YOURSELF how you want others to treat you and how you would treat others

20. Set healthy boundaries in all areas of your life

We all need a little reminder now and then to be kind to ourselves. As homeschooling moms, it can be easy to forget that we need time and space for self-care. But if we don't take care of ourselves, we won't be able to take care of our families. That's why it's important to set aside some time each day (or week) for you.

Understand that mistakes happen . We all mess up from time to time, and that's okay! As long as we learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward, we're doing great. It’s important to be kind to yourself along the way, giving yourself extra grace just like you would your kids learning to walk.

So, for a re-cap:  Give yourself permission to take a break, relax and enjoy your downtime - no matter what or how long it is . Whether you need an hour or a day after the kids go to bed or 5 minutes first thing in the morning, make sure you schedule in time for you, EVERY day. Put your feet up, read a book, take a nap—whatever makes you need to reconnect and be kind to YOU. Just make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard or setting unrealistic expectations upon yourself!

I hope this has blessed you. I know I still need these reminders often.

I’d love to know how you are being kind to YOURSELF! Let me know in the comments below. :-).

Until next time,

~ Crystal


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