Healing with the Solar Plexus Chakra
Do you struggle with feelings of insecurity, doubt, guilt or shame? Ever feel nauseous, have butterflies in your stomach, or experience digestive issues?
Your Solar Plexus body system may very well be out of balance.
Read on to learn more!
The third primary body system is the solar plexus chakra, located just below the ribs.
The colors associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow, representing analytical thought and intellectual activity. It speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life.
The solar plexus chakra is our emotional center and aids in control of the “digestion of life,” thus, the power and control of our lives. This is the “core” of ourselves, both physically and emotionally.
Two physical connections are the digestive and nervous system. Digestive issues that are blocked correlate to blocked emotions. On the other hand, overly flowing digestive issues can correlate to emotions that are a bit out of control.
The emotional and spiritual connection are feelings of self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem as well as the control aspect of our lives. If you’ve ever felt butterflies in your stomach or gotten an upset stomach, that is linked to the emotions of feeling out of control or not being in control as well as the belief in self. If your Solar Plexus is blocked, you might be feeling overwhelming amounts of shame or self-doubt. An unlocked Solar Plexus aligns with freedom to express your true self.
In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it would fall in the middle pulling from the Safety, Love and Belonging, and Esteem Needs. This is the core of who we are, what we stand for, and what makes us “us.”
Essential oils that pair well for control and self-love are uplifting citrus like Lemon or Grapefruit, the uptime in Love - Rose, then Fennel, Ginger, Anise, Spearmint, Black Pepper, Jasmine, Mountain Savory and Neroli as some of the top choices for essential oils to help support the Solar Plexus chakra body system.
Solar Plexus Chakra gemstones/crystals are mostly yellow, including: Amber, Yellow, Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Moonstone, Peridot, Smokey Quartz, Sunstone, Tiger Eye, Yellow Topaz and Yellow Tourmaline, to name a few.
Using Affirmations or Prayers such as, “I love. I am lovable. I am enough. Self-love starts when I accept and embrace all parts of myself. I love and accept myself as-is. I am Divinely created for such a time as this.”
My favorite resource for this is the Crystal + Oil Synergies Recipe E-book that shares even more on how to help support each of the chakra body systems and subsequent mind-body-spirit-emotional needs in simplified and easy-to-understand ways. Grab your copy here.
Until next time,
~ Crystal