Why Gratitude Matters & How to Practice It

Have you ever sat in a room with someone who did nothing but complain?

Have you gotten your kids a gift, or did something nice for them, only to have them throw a tantrum or grumble that they want more?!

Have you ever had someone take something you did or said for granted?

Gratitude is more than just a trending style of journal or motivational speech. Gratitude truly has the power to shift the trajectory of your mind, actions, and environment. It can heal people, strengthen relationships, and supply endless encouragement.

Thoughts have power. Spoken words have power. Actions are even more powerful.

If you find yourself in a “slump” as I call it, a depression, a “funk,” plagued with worry, anxiety or fear, or being overly critical or harsh with others, the simple act of Gratitude can truly shift all of that for the better. I know. I have experienced this personally and have “mastered” this in a simple routine I use often to flip the script on my mind and the environment around me.

In this video, I’ll walk you through the simple ways I shift one of my favorite meditations into a powerful, transformative Gratitude session that you too can easily implement into your daily life that can have lasting impact for you AND your loved ones.

Does Gratitude matter to you?

How does practicing it make you feel afterwards? What differences do you notice?

Practice this every day for even a few minutes to take the reins of your mind and heart and steer your feelings the way you’d LIKE them to go.

Until next time,

~ Crystal


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