The Benefits of Release & Refresh Herbal Tea

This blend was created as a comforting tea to add a soothing and uplifting feeling while releasing emotional wounds for a delicate balance of flavor and feeling. Jasmine Green Tea has a lovely aroma and taste, but can be quite bitter the more it is used and the longer it steeps. To offset the strong flavor, I added in a touch of Chamomile, leading with Spearmint and a hint of fresh ground vanilla bean powder to round out the flavor. The aroma gives a hint at its grounding, delicate, and soothing flavor.

Perfect to enjoy after an Aroma Freedom or Emotional Release Session, for journaling thoughts, meditating, or just taking some quiet time out to reflect and move forward.

Ingredients & Possible Health Benefits:

  • Spearmint - Its hormone-like activity may help open and release emotional blocks and bring about a feeling of balance and a lasting sense of well-being

  • Chamomile - Both Roman and German varieties dispel anger, stabilize emotions, and help release emotions linked to the past. German may also be used to soothe and clear the mind. Because it is calming and relaxing, Roman Chamomile can help combat depression, insomnia, and stress. while minimizing anxiety, irritability, and nervousness.

  • Jasmine - Known to be stimulating and uplifting in times of hopelessness and nervous exhaustion. May help to reduce anxiety, apathy, depression, dilemmas that deal with relationships, indifference, and listlessness. Can create excitability when worn as a cologne or perfume (Aromatherapy aspects). 

  • Green Tea - While having a plethora of known and studied health benefits, green tea seems to surpass and shine above all other teas, mainly due to its being the least oxidized when processed which leaves in much of its healing benefits. High in antioxidants that fight and may help prevent cell damage, it is also an anti-inflammatory, helps those with diabetes by keeping blood sugar stable, is good for the heart by improving circulatory flow among blood vessels, and even aids the brain by increasing the working-memory and blocking the formation of plaque that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Regardless of your reason for drinking it, make sure to grab a cup and enjoy the flavor while it goes to work unleashing its healing benefits, particularly for the emotions. You can get yours in the Shop or as part of the Toolkit.

Cheers to your health,

~ Crystal

*This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. There are many facets to healing and wellness in general. Drinking tea/an infusion alone, or using any other one tool, while neglecting vital foundations of health will never result in optimal health. There is no “miracle cure” in any one single product, but rather in a lifestyle of wellness, supporting the WHOLE body, in various ways, as we were created, and in alignment with our Creator - the true Source of healing. This product is just one of the MANY ways, and an easier way, to get some added health benefits in. Keep it in the right context and intention and enjoy!


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