What Even Is Manifesting?
There are a lot of ideas and misunderstandings about Manifesting.
Many, especially in religious circles, think it is witchcraft. Some think it is New Age, or all about the power of the mind, like making stuff appear out of nowhere and “poofing” desires into existence.
It was this misconception that had me exploring the root of “manifesting” more, especially as I kept hearing the term. Others, aren’t sure what it even is and therefore avoid “it” entirely, or so they think.
In this age, especially with so much digital communications, I believe it is even more important to try to be as clear as possible, as well as responsible when sending out messages. Just because I know what I believe, doesn’t mean that is easily conveyed to those who read or hear my messages.
Let’s dive in to what manifesting REALLY means, and what I mean when I use this term.
The root of the word Manifest, simply means to have evidence of, prove, or become apparent. In Biblical terms, this would refer to “bearing fruit.” John 15, for instance, and more specifically starting at verse 5, is where the name and root of my business comes from:
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
Matthew 7:17 says “Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”
Bearing fruit, in this context, is evidence of a person’s true character/intentions as well as who and how they really are, becoming apparent, or, manifesting. I also commonly use the term, “coming to fruition.”
The term Manifesting, in itself, is totally neutral in its root. How people apply or understand this is where, just as with everything else in nature, can get messy. The truth is, we are ALL manifesting, whether we realize it or not.
Chronic and adrenal fatigue are symptoms that have manifested in the physical body from a deeper underlying cause of dis-ease and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Bankruptcy or being $100,000 in credit card debt is a manifestation of poor financial literacy as well as a lack of discipline and responsibility.
A promotion at a job is a manifestation of quality work performance and showing superior skills.
A published novel is a manifestation of discipline, consistency, and creative thoughts.
Everything we do, or don’t do, has a “manifestation” attached to it. It is simply the RESULTS of our lifestyle; how we live, what we think, the “seeds” we sow, and so on.
Manifesting, as is taught, can really be broken down to mean “Intentional Living.”
It is moving from living life by default or repeating patterns that simply aren’t working and are manifesting things that are not right for the person, to being intentional and doing the right things in alignment to manifest, or produce, the right results.
So, for a personal instance, by default I was manifesting poor results of lots of stress, overwhelm and pure burnout in my life. In order to change the results, or what I manifested, I had to go back to the root of it all and look at the “seeds” I was sowing and do what I could to adjust. I had to learn to set healthy boundaries around my life and say “No” or “Not right now” more often. I had to be intentional about discipline and consistency with my schedule, as best as possible. I had to schedule important things on my calendar so I wouldn’t forget about them, and so on. Being intentional then manifested, or produced, results closer to what I needed and where I needed to be at in my life in order to meet my goals.
Breaking it down even further, Manifesting = Results of Your Lifestyle
Your Lifestyle consists of Mindset (What Your Beliefs & Thoughts Are) + Action (Daily Habits)
HINT: THIS is why I talk about Mindset SO much and try to emphasize its value as much as possible!
What Next?
If you are interested in learning more about manifesting, or would like to actually apply the principles to your life so you see better results quicker, here are my top 3 recommendations for your next steps:
If you want to practice Manifesting better “fruit” in your life - sweet vs. sour, abundant vs. scarce - I highly recommend you pick up the quarterly manifesting journal that Erin Hollon of Ivy + Light created to help you keep on track with your mindset and action so you are happier with the results. This will take you through 90 days so you can see what is working and what is not. I have personally used this and love the tool I can hold in my hands as a reminder to keep on track to achieve my goals.
2. If you want to learn more, check out the Manifesting 101 mini-class in the Facebook Group (HINT: You’ll find it in the Guides Section!)
3. If you are ready to experience your own transformation and are not liking what is manifesting in your life right now, enroll in our manifesting course that takes the concepts you’ll learn in the book even further and is filled with all you need to put it into practice in your daily life; mindset, further education, guided tutorials, support, and more!
So, what are YOU hoping to manifest in your own life?
30 days from now?
1 year from now?
Let me know in the comments below!
Until next time,
~ Crystal