Why Humility is Vital for Success in All Areas of Life
We all need humility in order to succeed.
Humility is the ability to understand your own limitations and weaknesses, and to be able to express them without shame. It also means understanding that other people have different strengths than you do. Humility also includes being open-minded enough to change your mind when new evidence presents itself, and not stubbornly clinging to your own beliefs just because they’re comfortable. Humility is truly about more than what you may think. Let's dive in!
1. What is humility and why is it important?
It's not uncommon to hear the word "humility" thrown around in conversation, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, humility is the quality of being humble. This doesn't mean that you should be meek or self-effacing, but rather that you should have a healthy sense of your own place in the world.
It's not about humiliation, in the context of embarrassment of being bullied to a "lowly" state. It also isn't about "martyr-syndrome" where it's seen as virtuous to deplete one's self for the sake of accolades and a false sense of superiority. True humility is not in thinking less of ourselves, but simply thinking of ourselves less.
One of the key benefits of humility is that it can empower you to achieve success. Leaders who are able to remain humble are often more open to hearing constructive feedback and are able to learn and grow from their mistakes.
Additionally, humbler people tend to be more likable and more trustworthy, making them better equipped to build strong relationships with others. In a world where success often depends on teamwork, even if you are "only" running your own household, this can be a critical advantage.
2. How can humility help you achieve success?
As mentioned above, humility can help you in a number of ways when it comes to achieving success. One of the most important ways is that it allows you to be open to feedback and willing to learn from your mistakes. People who are too proud to admitting they need help or that they've made a mistake are at a significant disadvantage. They're less likely to receive useful feedback and they're also less likely to learn and grow as individuals. This is a key point to realize; humility opens the door to letting wisdom in and wisdom is what propels a person forward to success in all areas of life. They basically go hand-in-hand.
Additionally, humble people tend to be more likeable and trustworthy, two qualities that are essential for building strong relationships. Strong relationships are important in all areas of life, but they're especially crucial in the workplace to advance and in the home to nurture the people that matter most.
3. The benefits of humility
There are truly many benefits that come with humility. Touching on what I previously mentioned, humble people tend to be more open-minded and therefore able to learn new things more easily. They’re also usually more likable, because they don’t come across as egotistical or arrogant. People who are humble are also more likely to be successful in their endeavors, because they’re not too proud to ask for help or take advice from others. Just think of the ways that could help you in the daily experiences in life.
It is often said that success comes to those who are bold and confident. However, there is much to be said for the power of humility. Those who are able to put aside their ego and listen to others are often the ones who end up being the most successful. After all, true success comes not from forcing your own agenda or power or even superiority, but from empowering others and working together towards a common goal. This is especially true in leadership positions who tend to be more effective than those who are arrogant.
The best leaders are those who are humble enough to listen to their team and learn from their experiences. They value their input, which also leads to better decision-making. I've seen many good companies and people begin to crash and burn because they fail to listen to the "little people" and forget it was those "little people" that truly helped build their own dreams. Even in households, when parents are not humble with their children or spouses, it begins to fracture those precious relationships.
In addition, humility empowers others. When people feel confident in their abilities, they are more likely to step up and take on leadership roles, whether in their home, community, or career. Ultimately, humility is a virtue that can benefit both individuals and organizations. Those who embrace it are more likely to find success than those who do not - healthier homes, careers, and overall attitudes that can help one shift into a mentality that is able to whether any storm in life, which, to me is a definition of success.
In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in our own success and self-promotion. However, it is important to remember that success is only truly valuable when it is shared with others and all true success requires others in some capacity.
4. How to develop a humble attitude
One of the most important traits for success in any field of life is a humble attitude. At its core, humility is about putting others first and recognizing that you are not the center of the universe. This may seem like a counterintuitive quality for success, but in reality, it is one of the most empowering traits a person can have.
Humility fosters deeper relationships and makes people more likely to trust and follow your leadership.
You can develop a more humble attitude by practicing self-awareness and mindfulness. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, and try to catch yourself when you start feeling boastful or superior. It’s also helpful to remind yourself that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and that no one is perfect. Another useful exercise is to imagine yourself in someone else’s shoes – how would you feel if you were in their situation? What can you learn from each person you come in contact with and each experience you have? This simple practice can start to shift your mindset and open up your heart to both give and receive more of what is truly nourishing in life and satisfying at a core level.
5. The dangers of pride and arrogance
Scripture says that "pride comes before a fall" and there is a lot of truth to this. Yeshuah (Jesus) Himself demonstrated humility in all aspects of His life on earth, especially with the examples of washing the disciples feet and the ultimate of putting Himself in our place to receive what price of our corruption. In Him, we have the ultimate depiction of humility and from that a template for how to live our lives and treat others. The opposite, without fail, leads to the downfall of the individual and all those connected. In short, the downfall of humanity. We can see examples of the destruction and damage of the opposite of humility all around and the trickle-down effect of how it harms others.
Pride and arrogance can lead to success in the short term, but they are ultimately destructive forces. When we become too proud of our achievements or self-assured in our own abilities, we start to believe that we are invulnerable. We become blind to our own faults and mistakes, and we begin to see ourselves as superior to others. This sense of superiority can lead us to take risks that we would not normally take, and it can make us dismissive of the advice and warnings of others, even going so far as to directly or indirectly make decisions that harm others because we think of and care less for the needs of others and only for ourselves and our growth and expansion.
In some cases, pride and arrogance can also make someone a poor leader. They may be unwilling to listen to input from others or take constructive criticism, which can result in them making poor decisions. Pride and arrogance can also make us less likely to listen to constructive criticism, which can prevent us from learning and growing. Ultimately, pride and arrogance are dangerous traits that can have disastrous consequences. Anyone who wants to be successful in life should be aware of the dangers of these traits and work to keep them in check.
6. Tips for living a more humble life
True success comes from within and cannot be measured by material possessions or success. Rather, success is achieved when we lead humble lives and empower others to reach their potential. It's not about what you have or what you can do, but about who you are and how many people you can bring along with you and help achieve their own definitions of success. When you're success is based on your own values and principles, it can never be taken away from you. That's why humble people are some of the most successful people in the world.
Here are a few tips for living a more humble life:
Don't seek validation from others - Your worth comes from within, not from what other people think of you.
Be authentic - Don't try to be someone you're not. Be true to yourself and others will respect you for it.
Lead by example - The best way to show others what humility looks like is to lead by example.
Be open to feedback
Focus on your personal growth and development instead of striving for recognition or success
Adopt a learning mindset and be open to new experiences and opportunities
Be generous with your time and talents, and look for ways to help others
Ask yourself the following questions often until it becomes second nature:
Do you ever feel better than others?
Who do you feel better than and why?
How does it feel at your core level when you feel superior than others?
How does it align with your core beliefs?
When you live a humble life, you'll find that success comes naturally as a result of your efforts. You'll also be able to better enjoy the fruits of your labor when you know that you're making a difference in the lives of others. Just remember, Humility is not about thinking less of yourself, but simply thinking of yourself less. In turn, you wind up actually thinking of others more and in healthier ways. You will be able to more naturally have compassion for others, especially those who are different than you or at different levels.
Across the board, no matter what aspect of life you are in, humility is vital to every part of it. Humility is how we can make a positive change on the world, one person, one interaction at a time!
If you enjoyed this dive into Humility and know you need some help developing this area, contacting The Vine Wellness to learn about the workshops, individual coaching, courses, programs, free resources and more to help you become the best possible version of yourself. To learn more, contact us today.
Until next time,
~ Crystal
Owner of The Vine Wellness