Start Here: Your Journey to Holistic Natural Health

If you're new to the world of holistic natural health, you've come to the right place. I’m excited to guide you on your journey to a healthier, more balanced life. This page will help you understand the first steps you need to take, with a special focus on the gut microbiome - a crucial but often overlooked aspect of our health. I firmly believe that your wellness journey doesn’t have to be complicated or go over your head. So, below you will find only the most basic of steps to take to help you get started as quickly and confidently as possible.

Simplified First Steps

  • Cleanse your Gut Microbiome, safely and gently. Make sure to follow any directions on the label and consult with your holistic healthcare provider as needed.

  • After the gut is cleansed, it’s time to add healthy fuel back into the gut that helps support a healthy microbiome.

  • Add in a good B Complex supplement to provide nourishment in a variety of ways that are vital to many aspects of the body, mind and emotions. * See recommended B-Complex below.

  • Water is vitally important to the body and most people are not drinking near enough clean, pure water to stay properly hydrated. The goal is drinking half your body weight in ounces of pure water each day. If any caffeine is consumed, increase water intake ounce for ounce, so 4 oz of coffee would add 4 oz water to daily intake.

Understanding Holistic Natural Health

Holistic health is about much more than just eating well and exercising. It's about viewing our health as a complete system, where everything is interconnected. Before we dive into the specific foundations to take, it's important to grasp this concept that forms the roots of your holistic health.

Gut Health

Did you know that your gut, also known as the 'second brain', plays a pivotal role in not just your physical health, but your mental health too? An imbalance in your gut microbiome can lead to numerous health issues, including diagnosed mental health disorders.

The Role of Nutrition in Holistic Health

Nutrition is the cornerstone of holistic health. Most people are malnourished, lacking vital nutrients derived from vitamins and minerals. This can lead to many physical, mental and emotional issues in the body.

Emotional Wellness, Nutrition and Gut Health

Did you know your gut health can affect your emotions? A lack of vital nutrients can also affect your emotions. Most prominently, an imbalanced gut microbiome is shown to correlate with feelings of anxiety. Being deficient in certain B vitamins are shown to impact feelings of depression, anxiety and overall mood.

Next Steps:

Now that you've got the basics down of what to focus on for the start to your holistic health, let’s look at the ways to begin implementing this into your lifestyle.

If you are not already taking something of quality for the following, here are the best recommendations:

  1. Gut Health - This includes overall support for the Gut Microbiome. Look at a quality Microbiome Cleanse and replenishing with Microbiome Fuel, available in The Vine Wellness online natural health store.

  2. Vitamin B Complex - B Vitamins are best absorbed by the body in complex form rather than as isolated forms. Most vitamins found in stores are not of good quality, meaning they may contain unnecessary and even harmful additives and fillers. A trusted brand of B Complex vitamins can be found in The Vine Wellness online natural health store.

These steps are crucial to physical health as well as the mental and emotional state, and thus I have ALL my clients start here. Gut health and B vitamins are the first building blocks to get to the foundations of your health. Hydration is the next step for overall improvement in the body.


  • Holistic natural health is an approach to health that considers the whole person and how they interact with their environment. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit, including a focus on the emotions.

  • Improving gut health involves several steps, including eating a diet rich in probiotics and fiber, reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise.

  • A diet that supports holistic health, particularly gut health, is balanced and nutritious, focusing on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while limiting processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats. Basically, eating as close to nature provides that food as possible and avoiding any synthetic lab-made “foods.”

  • Stress and other emotions that can be negative on the body can cause imbalances in your gut microbiome, leading to digestive issues and impacting overall health. Techniques like meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress levels.

  • After understanding the very first steps as you’ve learned here, you can delve deeper into specific areas of interest, further optimize your lifestyle habits, and consider working with a holistic health practitioner or joining a supportive community for guidance and support. It is recommended to next go on to the Foundations of health.

Got it! What’s Next?

If you have successfully implemented the 4 steps - Cleanse, Fuel, Nourish and Hydrate - then the next recommended step is to add on the Foundations of holistic health.